A lot of news in June

I googled the word, “cute,” and this is was Google threw in my face.

Touche Google. Touche.

So… it took me a while to recall the fact that this site also serves as a blog :p

With that in mind, I felt it was important to provide at least some indication of the number of things going on at the moment. Design work is still great–and I’ve made some huge life choices as well. I left my (currently former) job for the opportunity to try something new and I’m also several steps closer to graduation. Yay!

The thing about the job is that the choice to leave it was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in a very long time. I loved my job. It was great. And the people there were great, too. But I had been there a while at that point..and an opportunity came up that I just could not forgive myself for if I had turned it down without at least seeing where it might go.

At this point, I’ve concluded my third week and I am still very happy with the decision. Scary, but worth it.

And there are a lot of exciting things on the horizon. They’re surprises for now, but I will seek to keep this site updated a bit more regularly lol.

Until then!